Main Street Wooster issued the following announcement.
Window Wonderland
Nov 21 at 1 AM UTC+08 – Nov 21 at 10 AM UTC+08
Public · Hosted by Main Street Wooster
Our 2020 Window Wonderland is the perfect time for you and your family to ring in the Holiday Season!Visit our Holiday Hub for Downtown Wooster: compliance with the orders set by our local and state governments in regard to COVID-19, we will have adjustments to this year's event.- A virtual release of Santa's descent from the Briggs Building and lighting ceremony will be shared on the evening of November 20th.
Local merchants will have special activities, snacks, and open houses, all following social distancing. The wearing of a face covering is strongly encouraged, some merchants may require you to wear a face-covering prior to entry.
The annual window decorating competition will take place, this year with a peoples' choice! Make sure to vote for your favorite! Windows will be revealed at 12, Noon on November 20th.
Thanks to Apple Creek Banking Co., we will be introducing a Wooster Elf Scavenger Hunt! stop into participating businesses to locate the Elf for a chance to win a grand prize of Downtown Merchandise!We look forward to seeing you downtown for our Annual Window Wonderland.*Streets will not be closed for this event in an attempt to reduce crowd gathering, please use caution when crossing the roads.
Original source here.